Saturday, February 19, 2011

In asteptare....

Am luat pauza o saptamana , am fost ocupata cu pregatirea martisoarelor pe care sper ca voi reusi sa le postez duminica. Pana atunci , din raspunsurile sondajului am aflat si dorinta de a vedea mai multe tablouri si ca urmare am atasat cateva poze. Peste o saptamana sau doua voi avea noutati si la acest capitol. Va multumesc oricum pentru interes.

I took a week breack and I hope I'll be able on Sunday to post the trinkets . Untill then I thought that it would be nice, and because you asked me, to post more paintings. Also in a week or two I'll bring some new canvas that I have been working. Thank you very much for your showing interest.
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